11 Stellar Customer Service Stories You Need to Hear

POSTED ON: Jan 24, 2017

11 Stellar Customer Service Stories You Need to Hear Ajay Prasad

11 Stellar Customer Service Stories You Need to Hear

The electronic age has seen customer service reach its lowest levels. However, there are still businesses that cherish the human touch and believe in keeping their customers first. We have brought 11 inspirational customer service stories from some of the top business brands out there that went out of their way to ensure customer satisfaction.

1. Bungie Studios: The Holiday Miracle

A little boy could not play a new video game from Bungie Studios because he had undergone liver transplant. When Bungie Studios heard this, they sent him a custom helmet and visited him at the hospital with loads of video games. Bungie Studios - The Holiday Miracle

2. Jet Blue: Free Tickets for Anyone

In mid-flight, a Jet Blue's Mysterious People officer appears and starts asking trivia questions. Anyone who knows the answers to the question is given a ticket to any destination the airline flies.

3. Sainsbury: The Customer is King, Even 3-Year Olds

A three year old kid thought a “tiger” bread sold at Sainsbury looked more like a giraffe. Giraffe Bread from Sainsbury She wrote to the store, which obliged and renamed the bread “giraffe”. Now that's what you call listening to your customers. Sainsbury - The Customer is King, Even 3-Year Olds Sainsbury's response to the 3 Year Old

4. United Airlines: We Save and Book Your Seats

United Airlines saved Steven Levitt's seat and called him to ensure he didn’t miss the flight. Another time, when the flight was delayed, the airline reserved a last minute ticket for him to ensure he was not delayed.

5. Ritz-Carlton: We’ll Fly Eggs for You

A family arrived at the Ritz-Carlton, Bali, and realized their son’s specialized eggs had broken during the flight. The hotel ordered the specialized eggs all the way from Singapore.

6. Trader Joe’s: Makes Christmas Great Through a Winter Storm

With a winter storm approaching in Pennsylvania, a daughter was worried his 89-year old father would not have enough supplies. She called Trader Joe’s, who agreed to deliver the supplies to her father for free.

7. Starbucks: A Fantastic Experience

A customer at Starbucks wasn’t happy with their service and wrote to the corporate office. The office filled the customer’s card with $50 of store rewards.

8. Lego: Got the Toy Customer’s Back

When a boy who’d spent all his Christmas money to buy a Ninjago (Lego ninja) lost the item during a shopping trip, Lego wrote and sent him a new set of ninja toys. Lego - Got the Toy Customer’s Back

9. Jim Shukys’ Auto: It’s the Little Things that Count

After a customer stopped by Jim Shukys’ Auto for car repair, he sent her a personal “thank you” note. It's seriously the little things that count. Jim Shukys’ Auto - It’s the Little Things that Count

10. Morton’s Steakhouse: We Take Requests Seriously

When author Peter Shankman knew he wouldn’t have time to stop for lunch at the airport, he tweeted Morton’s Steakhouse for a delivery. When he landed at the airport, the delivery was waiting for him!

11. B. Dalton: We’ll Call our Competition for You

When a customer needed a book that wasn’t available at B. Dalton (later acquired by Barnes & Noble), the company called its competitor (Borders) and reserved the book for the customer. B. Dalton (image source: commons.wikimedia.com) The above examples show how business can win customers for life by going out of their way to ensure satisfaction. Do you any such stories that inspired you and made you smile?

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