The RepuGen Journey: From Reviews to Sentiment Analysis to a Process Improvement Tool

POSTED ON: Jun 12, 2020

The RepuGen Journey: From Reviews to Sentiment Analysis to a Process Improvement Tool Ajay Prasad

The RepuGen Journey: From Reviews to Sentiment Analysis to a Process Improvement Tool

RepuGen is now 4 years old. The journey of RepuGen from a simple review tool to a sentiment analysis tool and now a process improvement tool for doctors and clinics are worth documenting for any SaaS entrepreneur who desires success. In 4 years RepuGen moved from a non-entity to 1200+ clients and several businesses have white-labeled our software. And we are still growing. Overall, RepuGen has been a remarkable success in healthcare SaaS. 

How did we get here?

To begin with, we got two things right. Intent and Usability.


This reputation management software began with a genuine belief that online reviews are not an actual reflection of the skills and expertise of a doctor. Online reviews are usually random reviews posted by some happy patients but mostly unsatisfied patients. To make sure that reviews truly reflect the skills of a doctor, reviews have to be a part of a continuous feedback process. RepuGen version 1.0 was launched with this conviction.

RepuGen found a gap in the market. This tool addressed the pain point of small to medium healthcare centers who discovered that with very little effort and money they could compete with large centers online by managing their reviews.


Our beta version was used by doctors, clinics, and practices with multiple providers. They helped identify factors important in the feedback process. A lot of data was being generated. We decided to use the data to add value. With the data, we could

  1. Understand the sentiment of patients who come to the clinic [sentiment analysis]
  2. Use the data to improve process [process improvement]

History shows that data shows trends and patterns when graphically displayed. Two instances that immediately come to mind are the use of a graph by Florence Nightingale to convince the British authority that improved sanitation could save lives of injured soldiers with less medicine, and Louis Pasteur’s graphical illustration of cholera cases on a map that identified the source of infection.

Showing graphical trends resulted in unprecedented trends for some clinics.

Dr. Koestler (name changed for privacy) found that the number of negative reviews for him could be traced back one single day in a week that was Thursday. He realized that each Thursday he had to pick up his son from piano practice hence he was rushed. He resolved this matter by accommodating fewer patients on Thursdays.

An Urgent Care Clinic could trace maximum negative reviews to a day when a particular staff member was not present in the ER. Use of RepuGen helped the center to appreciate the undervalued staff resulting in better morale and commitment to excellence at work.

Version 2.0 was followed by several updates for data points.

What Made RepuGen Credible?

RepuGen creates a process to instantly connect with a patient once they have received the service via messaging or email.

To do that you have to connect the EPR to the software. Since EPR is totally confidential our first step was to become HIPAA compliant.

Doctors endorsed the product because it was developed very closely with them as per their requirements.

Finally, each year we try and add value for our clients. This is evident from our timeline.

  • 2016: RepuGen 1.0 Launch. Highlight interception of negative reviews by gathering instant feedback

  • 2017: Multiple providers and multiple locations abilities added. Automation features added.

  • 2018: RepuGen 2.0 Sentiment analysis and trending dashboard added

  • 2019: RepuGen 3.0. A lite version of the current software.

  • 2020: RepuGen 4.0 Multimedia messaging, teleconferencing capabilities

What could we have done better?

We did good but we lacked in maintaining a crisp timeline for product improvement and development.

We were so focused on developing the tool that we forgot to start marketing efforts simultaneously and build a good funnel.

About RepuGen

RepuGen gathers genuine patient feedback and converts it into intuitive charts and reports to help healthcare centers understand exactly where their medical business is succeeding and where it needs improvement. They are able to see trends for emotions such as anger, sadness, joy, disgust, and much more.

They are even able to understand the intensity of an emotion trend to better understand and pinpoint areas of improvement. Our priority is to give them the tools to strengthen patient relationships and care through our cutting-edge analytics.

This is a repost of the original article published by our CEO, Ajay Prasad on LinkedIn.

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